Useless and dangerous beauty treatments

If you believe the ads, there are many fast and "miraculous" cosmetics and procedures in the world that can get rid of wrinkles, cellulite and unhealthy complexion forever. But is that really so? Unfortunately, there are a number of services that are completely useless.

Facial rejuvenation procedure

In addition, you should not abuse those cosmetic manipulations that are effective. Some of them pose a threat to health and they should be used with caution when visiting proven salons and clinics.

The most useless beauty treatment

It may seem strange, but the number of absolutely useless procedures is now at least ten. Services that perform such manipulations on women are aimed at quick profit, and manufacturers deliberately add products with pleasant fragrances and process them into beautiful packaging so that people can purchase them as much as possible.

Perform a skin rejuvenation procedure

What women should not really spend money on, expecting a real result:

  • All anti-wrinkle products (creams, emulsions, masks). Unfortunately, the aging process is irreversible and cannot be changed, no matter what the advertisers say. Over time, skin cells lose moisture, causing wrinkles to appear. Even modern cosmetic development with phytohormones and stem cells does not have a "magic power", but only moisturizes the skin, improves its appearance. You will have to use such cosmetics regularly and the visible effect will appear not earlier than one month after the start of use;
  • Remedies "from dark circles under the eyes. "If anti-wrinkle creams have any moisturizing effect, these preparations are normal pacifiers. The fact is that the constant dark circles under the eyes of different colors and shades indicate a regular lack of sleep, chronic diseases. At best, the appearance of dark circles indicates that the blood vessels are close to the upper layers of the skin. You have to deal with chronic illnesses or get enough sleep;
  • All tonics and lotions. They do not contain any nutrients. They consist of dyes, water, alcohol and flavorings. Professional cosmetologists say that if a person uses high quality cleansers, he does not need to buy any lotion;
  • Cellulite Remedies. There is a diagnosis in medicine - fatty lipodystrophy. Obvious manifestations of cellulite occur during severe metabolic disorders and lymphatic drainage. No cream or bandage can reach the deeper layers of the skin where this process takes place. The early stages of cellulite are completely natural, safe and almost invisible. They can be easily removed through weight loss and regular exercise. In severe cases of lipodystrophy, appropriate treatment is needed to reduce the manifestations;
  • Scrubs and peels. The manufacturers claim that they gently remove all dead particles from the skin, although our skin itself can be perfectly rejuvenated without the use of extra funds;
  • Products for intimate hygiene. Contrary to advertising, they do not release the PH-environment in intimate areas and do not interfere with the detection of diseases around the genitals. For regular maintenance of hygiene it is enough to use ordinary soap and spend money on expensive and unnecessary gels;
  • Creams, ointments and peels against stretch marks (stretch marks). Since postpartum stretch marks are cicatricial formations, no ointment can handle them. Even a laser or plastic is far from always effective in this case, so it is best to immediately abandon the use of another false instrument;
  • Cosmetics for breast augmentation. Another "fraud" that can in no way stimulate the growth of mammary gland tissue. Breast size depends only on genetics and can only be changed with the help of plastic surgery;
  • Means for thickening eyebrows and hair growth. Like breast size, eyebrow and hair density depends on genetics and the number of creams can not change that.

Types of cosmetic procedures

There are beauty salon remedies that can have real results. ენიYour include:

  • Mesotherapy. Special formulations in the form of cocktails are injected into the facial skin using microsols. The cosmetologist makes the selection of medications individually;
  • Contour of face and neck. Designed to solve aesthetic problems using fillers (fillers for the skin). The length of the filler varies. They contain hyaluronic acid. After 4-12 months, it should completely dissolve and not cause any side effects;
  • Botox. One of the "oldest" but effective cosmetic procedures based on botulinum toxin. This is one of the most effective ways to eliminate expression wrinkles. The introduction of botulinum toxin blocks the nerve impulse that goes to the facial muscles. The muscles appear relaxed and the wrinkles temporarily disappear;
  • Chemical peeling. There are different levels: from the surface to the deep. The upper layer of the skin is removed by the method of chemical burns, softening the face and removing various defects;
  • plastic surgery. Unlike other procedures, this is a series of full-fledged surgical interventions performed by surgeons on the face and body.
Woman undergoes facial skin rejuvenation treatment

Cosmetic procedures at home

You can do some cosmetic manipulations at home. This will save you time and money:

  • Vacuum vessel massage. The use of conventional medical cans is allowed. The skin is pre-lubricated with oil and the extracted jar is gradually moved from the foot to the knee and the gluteal region. Session duration - 10-15 minutes;
  • Steam cleaning. Completely replaces the same procedure in the cabin. You will need a chamomile tea pot and a towel to cover your face and head. To prevent burns, apply a cream on the face, and after manipulation, wash your face with cool water.

Favorable days for cosmetic procedures

You can choose any day for the procedure, but you should pay attention to the phases of the moon:

  • new Moon. At this time the moon is not visible and the human energy potential is weakened, therefore procedures are not recommended;
  • 1 and 2 quarters of the moon in the growth phase. The best time for cosmetic manipulations;
  • full moon. It usually has a negative effect on people, so it is recommended to refrain from going to the cabin;
  • The 3rd and 4th quarters of the moon are reduced in phase. Good time for facial cleansing and especially medical procedures.

Also, be wary of phenomena such as lunar and solar eclipses, as no procedures should be performed at this time either.

Procedure for applying cream on facial skin

Dangerous cosmetic procedures

Despite their effectiveness, the following can be potentially dangerous:

  • Botox;
  • Hyaluronic acid;
  • Sewn with threads.

Botox contains a dangerous toxin that affects the nervous system. Of course, you should not completely give up the procedure, but you can do it 1-2 times a year and not more often. Otherwise, the poison accumulates under the skin and can even be fatal. In addition, frequent use of botulinum toxin is associated with muscle spasms leading to paralysis and facial asymmetry.

Hyaluronic acid is sometimes stored in tissues, accumulating fluid. The result is facial deformity and the need for surgery. As for thread suturing, which is used to correct the shape of the face and cheeks, there is a possibility of scarring and metabolic disorders in the subcutaneous fat.

You should not lose yourself while striving for beauty. First of all, you need to learn to distinguish between effective procedures and cheating and not to abuse those manipulations that can be dangerous.